Video shows a DWI suspect mouthing off to Alamogordo Police officers while getting arrested, after leading police on a high-speed chase. Little did he know just how much trouble this latest DWI charge would get him in.
A red truck was caught speeding and driving onto curbs on the night of Mar. 18 in Alamogordo. But the truck, police say, was driven by an Arizona man, Christopher Murrin. The truck continues to speed away at upwards of 70 mph. Spike strips didn’t help and, eventually, Murrin comes to a stop.
Officer: On the ground, get on the ground! On the ground!
Police arrest him on suspicion of DWI and Murrin starts giving attitude.
Murrin didn’t know how much trouble this arrest could get him in. According to a criminal complaint, Murrin has 12 prior DWI convictions, all outside of New Mexico. In his home state of Arizona, even the stiffist drunk-driving penalty carries no more than two years in prison. But Murrin happened to be in New Mexico for this arrest, which will be his 13th conviction if he’s found guilty. That means he faces up to 12 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Murrin was charged with aggravated DWI and aggravated fleeing. He was released to pre-trial services and is scheduled to be back in court in April.