The Big Mad Morning Show

The Big Mad Morning Show

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As they say, relationships take effort, and that lack of effort can lead to boring ruts…especially in the sex department. That, in turn, can lead to tension, frustration, fights, insecurity, straying, cheating, and break-ups. All that chaos needed happen. All it takes is a bit of communication, creativity, and a desire to step out of your comfort zone and take positive steps to affect change in the bedroom. 

  • Try New Things – Even the most adventurous activity can become routine if that’s all you’re doing, and it becomes predictable. Don’t be afraid to suggest something new. Be receptive to your partner’s suggestions. Experimentation and novelty keeps things fresh and alive…and you might accidentally discover your next most favorite thing
  • Yes/No/Maybe – It might sound like homework, but making mutual yes/no/maybe lists can give you insight into what your partner is curious about, let them know what makes you tick, and establish possibilities for the future…as well as boundaries that should never be crossed
  • Prioritize – At first, it might feel unromantic putting nookie on a schedule…but you’ll come to appreciate looking at your calendar and seeing “sex night” pop up once or twice a week…and knowing full well that something, or someone, will be going down that night
  • Take The Focus Off Penetration – So many times, penetration becomes the focal point of sexuality, and there’s so much more to explore in the sexual realm. Massage, mutual rub-outs, mouth play, and other acts are very much sexual…and can change things up…and take pressure off the situation
  • Professional Help – Sometimes couples have trouble communicating their needs, wants, and desires. That’s where a professional can step in and teach you both how to communicate more effectively and help you get back on track.

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