As much as the world should revolve around you, it rarely does. That sucks when you realize you’re not getting the attention you think you’re worthy of, but it also takes a load off when you realize that people aren’t giving the things you do a second thought nearly as much as you might worry about. Keeping that in mind, there are things that some guys get insecure about because they’re wondering how someone else might be judging them. Get that worry out of your skull right now…here are seven things no guy should ever feel the need to apologize for.
- Eating Healthy – Here’s the scene, you’re out with your buddies watching the game and having a few drinks. They’re all ordering burgers and wings, but you’re thinking of something lighter and healthier. For some reason, there’s an alarm that goes off in the head of some guys that tells them that their buddies will mock him if he goes that salad route. First…they won’t…and second…who gives a crap if they do. They can get over it…eat your damn salad and live your life
- Success – Success means different people to different things. It could be that someone is jealous of, or takes issue, with the success you’ve had. So what? You’ve worked hard and deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor
- Who You Love – The world has a messed-up view as to what’s considered attractive or “datable.” If you’re fortunate enough to find someone that rocks your world, then that’s awesome and that’s all you need. If someone else has a comment about it, that’s between them and their shrink, and you don’t need them in your life
- Your Choices – Opinions are like buttholes…everyone’s got one. Some of your choices are going to be perfect. Others are going to suck and might even appear to be “stupid” in hindsight. Either way, that’s how you learn and grow if you’re smart and pay attention. If someone wants to get all judgy and send critiques of your life choices, it might pay to remind them that those opinions weren’t asked for and that microscope might be better served pointed their way. Live your life
- Looking Good – Everyone should have one or more bits of clothing and style that makes them feel good, sexy, and amazing. To some, your style might look silly or ridiculous. They don’t have to sport it. Nothing is cooler or sexier than confidence, so if it makes you feel like you’re in your element…rock it unapologetically
- Your Opinions and Having The Ability to Say “No” – For whatever reason, some of us are hardwired to be “polite” and agreeable at every turn. That might mean that those people occasionally let themselves be guilted into doing things they really have no interest in doing. As they say, “no means no,” and if you don’t want to do something…don’t…no excuses…no apologies. The same goes for your opinions, if someone asks you for your thoughts on something, and then get all butt-hurt because it wasn’t lining up with their thought process. Fine. Move on and be adults about it....or, better yet, listen to each other, learn about their perspective, and maybe both of you walk away a tad more enlightened
- Changing – Today, there seems to be this misconception that “change” is a sign of weakness. In reality, it’s a sign of growth and understanding of the world you live in. If someone calls you out by saying something to the effect of “you’re not the same person you were in college”…damn right…it’s called life experience. You’re allowed to evolve
All that said, if you screw up historically or wrong someone in some way, a man should have no problem owning it, apologizing, and learning from it.