Cat recovering after sneaking into washing machine, survives wash cycle

Stefani Carroll-Kirchoff was doing some laundry when one-year-old cat, Felix, jumped inside the washing machine while the door was open. She said “I must have turned my back for a few minutes folding clothes and he apparently went in there when I wasn’t looking.” She started the washing machine. She said “It’s horrific. It’s absolutely horrific, “This will haunt me for the rest of my life, It’s the most traumatic experience.” The woman hasnt been able to sleep since the incident. She went upstairs after starting the laundry and came back down after an hour. When she opened the door of the washing machine she realized Felix was inside the whole time. Her daughter said her mom " was crying so hard I couldn’t understand what she was saying and she said Felix went through the washing machine.” she added “All of a sudden she heard a meow and saw a little white foot." The way she describes it was she was just in shock and she immediately phoned my grandpa and said come with me to vet. They raced to the vet, where Felix was in critical condition. The vet said it is rare that an animal can make it through this.They gave the cat an IV and an oxygen mask. They put the cat in a 24-hour oxygen chamber, and it seemed to be working as the cat vision returned. The oxygen chamber has cost about $1,000 per day and since her mother did not have pet insurance, she started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the cost. The cat is doing well and the daughter said “We feel so, so lucky. He is the miracle cat.”

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