29-year-old Sheefy McFly was hired by the city of Detroit to create a mural on the city's northeast side. It is part of a multi-year effort to fight illegal graffiti. While McFly was painting multiple police cars arrived on site. Unfortunately McFly, whose real name is Tashif Turner, didn't have his city-issued permit on him. McFly said he tried to explain the situation and even had a city official show up to vouch for him, but police wouldn't budge. A spokesperson for the Detroit Police Department, said officers felt McFly wasn't cooperating. He was ultimately arrested on suspicion of resisting and obstructing and on a warrant for an old parking ticket. McFly said “It’s an oxymoron — doing something for the city and being arrested by the city, They treated me like a felon even though I was commissioned by the city to do this." McFly said he was detained for roughly 24 hours before he was released. He said he's scheduled to appear in court on July 3 for the parking ticket warrant.