The Guide To Do-It-Yourself Fleshlights…So You Can Do It Yourself

For decades, the sex toy market has focused on the ladies. In recent years, however, there’s been movement towards getting the guys involved in the fun…most notably with the rise of the Fleshlight self-pleasure tool. Quality diddling isn’t cheap, though. A decent toy could run you from $40 to $120 on the average. Since many guys are born do-it-yourselfers, there are a few satisfying options that they might have lying around their homes right now.

  • Cornstarch Fleshlight – This started as an Internet thing and gained a bit of steam in some circles. The idea is to “pour cornstarch in a glass of water,” microwave it, “dig out a hole” big enough for your unit, and then nuke it again. The amount of cornstarch could be a trial-and-error process, and there’ve been reports expressing concerns about comfort and durability.
  • Sock Fleshlight – Ugly, yet functional. You’ll need three pairs of socks, a couple rubber bands, and a latex glove. Place the glove between two folded pairs of socks…then wrap the third around them all. Secure the third with a rubber band and then another rubber band around the top. Squirt your favorite lube into the glove in the middle and do your thing.
  • Sponge Fleshlight – Finally, a use for that empty Pringles can! Stuff some sponges into the can and wrap a condom or latex glove around the top (secured by some rubber bands). Lube it up and have at it. Keep in mind that sponge quality is paramount here. “Big and pillowy” sponges are way better than “thin worn-out” ones.
  • Condom/Towel Fleshlight – Toss a towel in the dryer for a few moments to get it nice and toasty, then run it under some water to get it wet. From there, put on a rubber and wrap the towel around your firm little soldier. Lube in the condom will help, and the towel will simulate the feeling of penetration.
  • Meat Fleshlight – Sex is a flesh-on-flesh experience, right? So, you can jump on that by using actual meat…livers and chicken skin come highly recommended…especially at room temperature or warmed up. Another empty Pringles can might come in handy here, too…so to speak. Just make sure you wash thoroughly after you’re finished. Salmonella is no joke.

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