Florida Furry Convention Turned Into 18-Plus Event

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During the weekend of September 15-17, Orlando, Florida is welcoming the Megaplex convention, “which caters to the subculture of furries,” or people who dress up as furry animal creatures, like you might see at a theme park. Here’s the rub, though. Because of Florida’s new “Protection of Children Act,” organizers have opted to make the event strictly an 18-plus event. While there are some who see the furry-thing as a source of arousal, the vast majority of the furry community isn’t based on sexual attraction…no matter how much the media or various pundits might report it. Organizers say it was a tough decision, but it was necessary to protect everyone involved. Tails & Tornadoes Fur Con is at The Southern Hills Marriott Sept 1-3.

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