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An Oklahoma man is facing felony charges after he was caught on camera ramming another vehicle with his truck during a road rage incident.
Steven Coughran, 40, faces assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and child neglect charges for a crash that happened on August 8, News 9 reported.
A News 9 photojournalist Mike Weber and his wife happened to be driving behind Coughran on I-35 southbound near E 15th Street in Edmond that day and recorded the incident.
Weber's video shows Coughran in a red pick-up truck pushing a black SUV driven by Brett Powers out of the far left lane. The truck swerves around other vehicles on the freeway before doubling back on Powers' SUV and ramming it into a concrete barrier.
Coughran's young son was also in the backseat of the truck at the time.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to the crash and ticketed Coughran for speeding and improper lane change.
According to court documents, Coughran told troopers "Not going to lie, I was being a dumb***" and “You know how testosterone is."
Powers was outraged that Coughran was initially let go with only the tickets. OHP is now investigating its response to the crash.
“He could’ve killed us in our car. He could’ve killed the people when he came flying across two lanes. He could’ve killed his son. And he’s getting off with a speeding ticket and an improper lane exchange,” Powers previously told the TV station.