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Reba McEntire's low-key visit to her native Oklahoma became front page news when she had to be rescued on Tuesday afternoon.
She and six other people were touring a more than 100-year-old building in downtown Atoka when the staircase collapsed.
"The historic staircase between the second and third story collapsed, and when it did it collapsed on the stairway going from the second to first floor," Atoka Emergency Management Director Travis Mullins told KTEN.
The country star and several people in her group were on the second floor when the staircase fell apart so they were trapped.
The local fire department was dispatched and helped the group climb out of the building on a ladder.
“I thought when she said Reba I was like ‘oh lord Reba done got hurt, Reba’s done hurting.' she’s like no EMS already checked on her so she’s fine. She’s fine,” Sara Jackson told KXII. Jackson works at a nearby restaurant and saw the rescue take place.
One person did have minor injuries and was taken to a hospital in neighboring Durant.
The staircase likely collapsed because of ongoing renovations on the historic building, according to Mullins.
The details are unclear, but McEntire was touring the building for a future project.