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Can You Use An Onion To Cure A Cough

Zen Rial / Moment / Getty Images

It's that time of the year. You have strange people in your house and one person brings their germs in and now you have a cough. What do you do?

A lot of people go to dr google to find out how to get rid of that cough. But others go to TikTok. There was a video posted earlier this month from Amoreena McNally who actually tried the onion trick that was recommended by and Amish social media creator.....(how does that work? another question for another time.)

She was putting slices of raw onions on her chest and covering them with a bag of hot water. However, her cough came back after she stopped using the onions. Doctors say your organs, not onions, move toxins out of the body. Also, this remedy may appear to work simply because the body is healing on its own. I think it would make you smell bad, but you do you and do what it takes to get rid of that cough.

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