Photo: Tar_Heel_Rob / iStock / Getty Images
Tournament season is upon us, and most of us will take part in a sports bracket. If it's the bragging rights, or you just want to win some $$$$, this might show you just how much people are willing to bet on the games.
The average American is willing to bet $120 on March Madness, with young adults willing to gamble a bit more.
Gen Z is willing to part with $199, while millennials bet an average of $205.
Boomers are only willing to gamble $38.70.
A poll of 2,000 people found that 14% base their winning brackets on hunches.(The reason my wife brags about picking Gonzaga one year and winning $$$$)
22% of Gen Zers rely on “vibes”, and 10% of millennials make their choices based on whether or not they like the team mascot. (silly, but sometimes it works)
So will you be filling out a March Madness bracket? Create your own bracket now and see how far you can go with your pics before you throw cash in the mix.
Create your free bracket from ESPN and see how your picker is working HERE