Some people are just plain sick.. A Minnesota man was checking up on his 83 year old mother who's currently living in an assisted living facility, and dealing with Alzheimer's, when he discovered the worst possible thing ever. The man has several webcams set up in her room just so he can check on her well being. When he got an alert on his phone Monday, he logged in to check on his mamma and found a 52 year old employee Olabamidele Bewaji undressing the woman and sexually assault her. O.B. stopped assaulting the woman when he heard the son speak to him through camera telling him to stop. That's when O.B. slowly stopped what he was doing, and left the room. The son then called the cops, who questioned O.B. who then confessed to the assault, and admitted to knowing that she was vulnerable, along with admitting that he raped her just last month. O.B. says that the woman "initiated the sexual assault." Police say the woman had no pajama bottoms or underwear on, and was unable to recall if she had been assaulted.