30-year-old Shawna Eccles owns a home in Brooklyn and has been allegedly trying to evict 33-year-old Sharita Patterson from the two bedroom home in Carnarsie but because of a new state COVID-19 law, she is unable to evict the deadbead tenant. She also claims that she has been homeless, sleeping in her car and couch surfing with friends. The tenant allegedly owes $14,700 in back rent but bought a new car during the pandemic. Eccles told a news site "There is no one I can stay with until I am able to evict, and all of my money covers the mortgage, water bill and property taxes, If anything gets cut off, it will be considered an illegal eviction. I have no additional funds to rent an apartment." Thanks to the state’s pandemic-inspired eviction moratorium and recently enacted housing regulations, Patterson has until at least May 1 before any New York housing court would even consider a case against her. Bbecause she checked a box on a "hardship declaration" form, claiming she’s been financially impacted by COVID-19 and is unable to move. Under the new rules, New Yorkers had until Feb. 26 to fill out the form, which automatically pauses their evictions.