Biting is NOT cool no matter what age you are. A Florida woman by the name of Michele Stilwell, 55, had gotten an Uber over the weekend, and crawled in the backseat like a normal person would. While they were going down the road, Michele reached forward and started to choke the driver, first with her two hand, then with her arms wrapped around his neck. As the driver was trying to pull over, Michele crawled up to the front seat on the center console and bit the man on his neck, then scratched his chest drawing blood. As if that wasn't enough, she continued to scratch and bite the man as he tried to stop the car. Eventually some witnesses came to help the man as he was complaining about not being able to breathe. They pulled him away from the lady, took pictures of the incident, and held her there until police arrived. Police determined there was an indication of alcohol influence. She was arrested for aggravated battery and tampering with a witness for when they tried to call the police, both of those are felonies.
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