If you think getting up and falling into the toilet because somebody forgot to put the seat down was bad...hold my beer. In Austria, a 65 year old man got up at 6a.m. to use the bathroom and was surprised when he felt a "tweak" in his genital area. When he got up to see what was going on, he found a 5 foot albino python coiled up in his toilet bowl. He then calls the police, who then in turn call a snake wrangler to come wrangle this snake. After some investigating, they determined the python belonged to the man's neighbor who owns 10 other snakes and a gecko They aren't sure how the snake got out of it's cage, but believe that it got to the neighbor's toilet through the sewer system. The snake did put up a fight when the snake wrangler tried to wrangle it, but it eventually busted free and was returned to the owner after washing it off. The owner was shocked that the snake got out and is looking at possible neglect charges.
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