Photo: Bloomberg Creative Photos
A New Mexico couple went out for the evening and when they got home, they were greeted by an unwanted guest. The man had slept, bathed, dined, and helped himself to some beers before they had gotten home. They say he had an AK in his hand but didn't threaten them, take any of their jewelry or belongings. Instead, he gave them $200 for the window he had broken. They told police that he was about 6ft tall and in his late 20s. They say the burglar said that his family had been murdered, he was running from someone, and that his car broke down outside Santa Fe. The home owners say he was apologetic and extremely embarrassed. They told police that they made him apologize, give them money, and to leave. They say he left with a duffel bag and his AK, and started walking down a ditch. When police searched the ditch line, they didn't find anyone.