Back in May of 2019, Anneisha Speed was hanging out with a dude all day, and at the end of the day, they went back to his place. While the two were chillin' at his home, she asked him for some oral sex. Well...dude didn't want to do it, and that's when Anneisha whipped out her .40 cal pistol and demanded oral sex, stating if he didn't do it, she would shoot him. The man grabbed her wrist and the gun went off, luckily not hitting the man. That's when he took off, jumping off the second floor balcony, as he heard another shot being fired. He called the cops and she was taken in. Now she's looking at weapons charges and is on probation for two years and has been ordered to do 40 hours of community service, and complete an "Effective Decision Making" course along with paying her fines and court costs.
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