The Big Mad Morning Show

The Big Mad Morning Show

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Man Denied Diploma Due To Long Hair…Gets It Six Decades Later

Portrait of senior man rider with motorbike in the countryside, having fun.

Photo: Getty Images

Way back in 1966, Otis Taylor wasn’t allowed to walk or graduate from Denver’s Manual High School. Back in the day, Taylor wore his hair long, wore fringed leather jackets, and moccasins, and was told by the school that “it was either his hair…or his diploma.” So, Taylor said, “Bye.” Supposedly, during the pandemic, the school decided to make amends with former students over the hair thing. Taylor, now a 74-year-old blues musician, finally received his diploma from the school, and says “they did a nice job.” He’s also gotten a few messages over Facebook from other former long-hairs that had recently gotten their diplomas, as well.

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