Photo: Andrii Iemelyanenko / iStock / Getty Images
A 73 year old widowed woman was recently scammed out of $113k from phone scammers. According to reports, the woman told police that she got a phone call from a man with an Indian accent last month who claimed to be with the Dept. of the Treasury. He warned her that her bank accounts were under assault by someone who was trying to take her money. He went on to tell her in order to save her money, she would need to put it all in an escrow that he would assist her in setting up. She was then sent a QR code and was instructed to withdraw $17,760 and transfer it via Bitcoin, which she did. After that, she was directed to pull out another $46k in cash, which was picked up at her house by a man who used a secret "codeword". Earlier this month she gave another $50k to the courier. By this time she had been scammed out of $113k. She called the cops and filed a report. The scammers set up another arrangement to pick up an additional $50k from the woman, but this time the police were waiting. Last Thursday, a Kia SUV pulled up and dropped off a man near the woman's house carrying a backpack. The man made contact with the woman and gave the secret codeword, but this time it was an undercover agent who gave him a box with the supposed $50k inside. Police quickly detained that guy while other officers got the driver who was parked down the way. Both men were charged with scheming to defraud in excess of $50k, a first degree felony